General Ledger(GL) codes used in various Account Types of CSI Post Office

GL codes are categorized into Postal Life Insurance(PLI), Finance & Accounting, Savings related accounts etc.,

Important codes for Vourcher Entry

Savings Withdrawal

S.No SAP 10 DigitPossible Description
1Payments4800100030Recurring Deposits (RD)
2Payments48001000401 Year TD
3Payments48001000502 Year TD
4Payments48001000603 Year TD
5Payments4800100070PO 5 Year TD 1981
6Payments4800100080Monthly Income Scheme
7Payments4800100090Senior Citizen Savin
8Payments4800100100National Savings Sch 87
9Payments4800100110National Savings Sch 92


S.No SAP 10 DigitPossible Description
11Payments480020023012 Yr National SC
12Payments48002002607 yr National SC-2nd
13Payments48002001007 Year National SC (7)
14Payments48002001107 Year National SC (7)
15Payments48002001207 Year National SC (V)
16Payments48002001306 Year National SC(6)
17Payments48002001406 Year National SC(7)
18Payments48002001705 Year NSC
19Payments480020008010 YEAR NSC 9th ISSU
20Payments480020004012 Year National Def
21Payments4800200070Kisan Vikas Patra(old)
22Payments48002000606 Year NSC (8th-Iss)
23Payments4800200150Indra Vikas Patra
24Payments480020020010 Yr Social Sec Cer
25Payments4800600010Public Provident Fund

Interest Payments

S.No SAP 10 DigitPossible Description
26Payments4800800010Post Office Saving Bank Deposits Interest
27Payments4800800040One Year Time Deposits Interest
28Payments4800800050Two Year Time Deposits Interest
29Payments4800800060Three Year Time Deposits Interest
30Payments4800800070Five Year Time Deposits Interest
31Payments4800800120Post Office Recurring Deposits Interest
32Payments4800800500NATIONAL SAVINGS SCHEME 1987 Interest
33Payments4800800130Monthly Income Scheme Interest
34Payments4800800140National Savings Scheme1992 Interest
35Payments4800800150Senior Citizens Savings Scheme-2004 Interest
36Payments480080018012 Year NSC Interest
37Payments48008002005 Year NSC Interest
38Payments480080021012 Year NDSC Interest
39Payments48008003207 Year NSC IInd Issue Interest
40Payments48008003307 Year NSC IIIrd Issue Interest
41Payments48008003407 Year NSC IVth Issue Interest
42Payments48008003507 Year NSC Vth Issue Interest
43Payments48008003606 Year NSC Vith Issue Interest
44Payments48008003706 Year NSC VIIth Issue Interest
45Payments4800800400INTEREST ON 10 YEAR NSC 9th ISSUE
46Payments480080038010 Year SSC Interest
47Payments4800800390Kisan Vikas Patra Interest
48Payments48008003006 Year NSC VIIIth Issue Interest
49Payments4800800310Indira Vikas Patra Interest
50Payments4800800410Interest on P.P.F.

Commission Payment

S.No SAP 10 DigitPossible Description
51Payments4800800420Payment of Commission To SAS Agents.
52Payments4800800430Payment of Commission To EDBM/SPM
53Payments4800800440Payment of Commission To Mpkby Agents
54Payments4800800450Payment of Commission To PPF Agents
55Payments4800800460Payment of Commission To Pay Roll Saving
56Payments4800800470Comm Paid To Agents for Senior Citizen
57Payments4800800480Commission Paid To Agents for Sale of NSC

PLI Endowment Assurance Schemes

S.No SAP 10 DigitPossible Description
58Payments4801400700PLI:(EA) PAYMENT OF DEATH
59Payments4801400710PLI:(EA) PAYMENT OF SURRENDER
60Payments4801400720PLI:(EA) PAYMENT of MATURITY
61Payments4801400730PLI:(EA) PAYMENT of PAID-UP

RPLI Endowment Assurance Schemes

S.No SAP 10 DigitPossible Description
63Payments4801401070RPLI: (EA) PAYMENT OF DEATH
64Payments4801401080RPLI: (EA) PAYMENT OF SURRENDER
65Payments4801401090RPLI: (EA) PAYMENT of MATURITY
66Payments4801401100RPLI: (EA) PAYMENT of PAID-UP VAL
68Payments7801601070PLI:REBATES alwd on ADV Pmnts of
69Payments7801601120RPLI:REBATES alwd on ADV Pmnts of
70Payments4844300010SECURITY DEPOSIT
71Payments8844600060SHORT/EX. PAID MO


S.No SAP 10 DigitPossible Description
1Receipts8800100030Post Office Recurring Deposits (R.D) 1981
2Receipts8800100040PO 1 Year TD 1981
3Receipts8800100050PO 2 Year TD 1981
4Receipts8800100060PO 3 Year TD 1981
5Receipts8800100070PO 5 Year TD 1981
6Receipts8800100080Monthly Income Scheme 1987
7Receipts8800100090Senior Citizen Savings Scheme 2004
9Receipts8800100020Sukanya Samriddhi A/c 2014
10Receipts88002001705 Year NSC
11Receipts88002000606 Year NSC (8th-Issue)
12Receipts880020008010 YEAR NSC 9th ISSUE
13Receipts8800200270Kisan vikas patra-2014
14Receipts8800600010Public Provident Funds
15Receipts8800800030Deduction on A/C of Premature Withdrawals.
16Receipts8800800040Account Transfer Fee SCSS
17Receipts8801400650PLI-EA Premium Receipts and Recoveries
18Receipts8801400651PLI-EA Prem recd from DoP & deposits at
19Receipts8801401220Repayment and recovery of Loans from PLI
20Receipts8801401060RPLI-EA Premium Receipts and Recoveries
21Receipts8801401061RPLI-EA Prem Receipts and Recoveries_1st year
22Receipts8801401230Repayment and recovery of Loans from RPLI
23Receipts7801601320PLI service tax
24Receipts7801601370Rpli service tax
25Receipts8002100030IT - Income Tax
28Receipts8844601550PMJJY DOP TAX

PLI & RPLI miscelleneous

1Receipts2801600770Fee for issue of Duplicate Policy/pass books PLI
2Receipts2801600810Fee for issue of Duplicate Policy/pass books RPLI
3Receipts7801601160pli medical fee payment
4Receipts7801601190rpli medical fee payment

Finance & Accounting

SAP 10 DigitPossible Description
3020631300Office expenses
8878100600IMT (western union)
8878300010Railway Collection
8878300020Railway Commission
8878300030Railway Cancelation Fee
8878300040Refund of PRS
3020831300Electricity Expenses
3020641400Rent, Water Bill
3020580144Cash conveyance Allowance
3020821300Office expenses for Generator
3023271300Dept MMS ordinary services
4867100012Logistic post
1800190100Sale of publications
1800420100Found Excess (UCR)
3022170196Wages payment to out sider works in place of gds
4800900040GPF advance & withdrawal
3010010138children education allow
3020621100TA bill
4320100504TA advance Division Office
3011630178TA bill of Head Office
3020361100Training TE
1101030100Business post
3050182700Work charges
4867100010DOP Cash
4867100011POS Cash

Courtesy : postalbasics